March 19, 2024

Red Land

The "Red Land Series" is a visual exploration of my profound encounter with Uluru, Australia's iconic red monolith. Winter's embrace of this remarkable landscape allowed me to perceive red not just as a festive and warm hue, but also as a conduit to a deeper, enigmatic realm. Amidst the vastness of central Australia, red takes on a mysterious and otherworldly quality, bridging a profound connection to its Aboriginal heritage. Through this series, I seek to convey the striking impressions etched in my soul during this unforgettable journey, inviting viewers to share in the profound essence of this unique land.

Created by Fangmin Wu

30.7in (W) x 20.1in (H)


31.1in (W) x 21.3in (H)


31.1in (W) x 25.2in (H)
