Painting is an occupation that both challenges and rewards, . At first you start out hesitantly seeming to have to be a perfectionist at whatever style you are going for but after several years it just takes you over and whether realism or abstract you go on a journey and are never quite sure where it will end.
Painting has been my salvation through many rugged times and I am forever grateful to those collectors who have loved the end products.
Colour, shape and contrast are forever changing in nature and it is often nature represented in my paintings. The semi abstract landscapes convey the strength and fragility of our Australian bushland and this is demonstrated with the subtle misty backgrounds which act as the backdrop for the stubborn, often sparse, scrubland.
Abstract painting is one of the most demanding forms of expressing time, place and the feelings evoked. However abstract landscapes are also the most rewarding when they come together and there is a feeling of YES! that is what I want to say.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.