June 03, 2024


We love spending time on the beach... we've enjoyed beaches all around Australia, the US, and a few (brrr) in Canada.
Ocean beaches... beaches at lakes...
Although the sand may be a slightly different colour, there is just a beautiful feeling of that expanse of sky touching the stretch of water across the horizon wherever we are! We like how the days feel hazy and the light creates round flares of light...
Some of these paintings will have the blurry effect, some will be a little more detailed but all are of an impressionistic abstract style of our own... where we use a variety of techniques... pallet knives, finger painting thumb rubs, spraying, and even grafitti pens!
We have a lot of fun painting these... we hope you feel that and that they help to stir your own beach memories!!
We will keep adding to this collection but let us know if there is a style you like best.