“Wanganella Entering Sydney Harbour” is a rather personal painting and journey for me. Way back in '61 when I was four years old I was just starting to form my first memories and this is one of them. As the Wanganella was entering Sydney Harbour, my Mum and two brothers were mustered up on the front deck and I remember feeling cold in the blustery winds and a grey sky. The noise on the deck was terrific with winch cables being cranked and the masts being adjusted. I clearly recall passing under the Sydney Harbour bridge as light rain fell on my face as I looked up. I also remember seeing the smiling face at Luna Park and thinking “this seems like a nice place”. The memory still brings a tear to my eye as I write this now.
In this painting, a few passengers are emerging from their cabins. The first seagulls start to follow the Wanganella in the hope of getting a few scraps. The inclement weather keeps many inside, however a few gather outside on the decks whilst some like my mum and brothers are catching their first glimpses of Australia.
I have recreated as best I can the scene of that day so many years ago. I thoroughly researched the ship before drawing a single line on the canvas because it was important to get it right. I have a great attachment and connection to this painting and I hope you love it as much as I do.
This work was created with the highest quality Old Holland and Williamsburg paints. The cabling was drawn on with a very fine piece of charcoal. Most of this painting was completed using tiny 10/0 brushes and one of these will be included with the painting.